Spiritual Leaders

Stages of Spiritual Maturity

I. Championing

Welcome to the Spiritual Leader section. The goal of this page is to assist you in evaluating your current reality as a leader.  We want to help you clarify your intended future in leadership and help provide steps and resources to accomplish your mission in Christ. The statements below will help identify focus points and steps for leadership growth.

Time of Reflection

  1. I can effectively disciple and reproduce Christ in others.
    If not, consider how I go about building spiritual parenting. [I Thessalonians 2:7-11]
  2. I have the vision, intentionality, and means to accomplish my mission.
    If not, consider My vision is unclear. [Proverbs 29:18]
  3. I understand my calling, who I am sent to, and the vehicle God has provided.
    If not, consider how I clarify my calling to the ministry. [Galatians 1:13-18]
    How do I know who God has sent me to serve and minister to? [Galatians 2:6-10]
    How do I choose the right vehicle for ministry? A church, a para ministry, work? [Acts 18:1-3]
    Ministry Calling Worksheet
  4. I know where I am going as a leader.
    If not, consider How do I know what is on God’s heart and my heart. [Ephesians 1:16,17]
    How do I think about What’s Next? (retirement, relocating, retooling ministry skills) [Philippians 3:10-14]
  5. I have confidence as a leader. If not, consider I feel powerless in ministry. [Matthew 5:1-16]
  6. I feel supported by my leadership.
    If not, consider How do we build love into all these team relationships. [Philippians 2:2, Ephesians 4:1-2]
    What do I do when we have a church conflict between elders and staff leaders? [Matthew 18]
  7. I am resourceful.
    If not, review resources at the bottom of each stage;  Spiritual Infant, Spiritual Child, Spiritual Young Adult, Spiritual Parent, and Spiritual Grandparent
  8. I am an effective communicator.  If not, consider reading: Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently – by John C. Maxwell
  9. I know how to build a team toward the mission.
    If not, consider Leadership and Working with Teams is strong. [Philippians 2:2]
  10. I know how to solve problems as a team.
    If not, consider reading The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni
  11. I know how to lead using powerful questions.
    If not, consider  Visiting  leadingwithquestions.com reading Leadership Coaching by Tony Stoltzfus
  12. I am comfortable with building friendships with neighbors, fellow workers, and others I meet.
    If not, consider The Art of Neighboring, Working in the Harvest, and Making Friends for Heaven’s Sake
  13. I have been coached as a leader.  If not, and you would like help with this, go to Navigators Coaching or Biz Strategists for excellent one-on-one Christian life coaching.

Leadership Coaching Model

R = Relationship with God and people

2D – Discovery and Discussion around the Bible

3A – Affirmation, Accountability, and Application

A DISCIPLE: (The Target)

  1. Loves God with ALL of his or her heart. (Matthew 22:37, Philippians 3:8)
  2. Loves other believers and contributes to the growth of others. (John 13:34-35, Hebrews 10:24-25)
  3. Is committed to living and loving the Scriptures. (John 8:31-32, 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
  4. Is learning to surrender his or her life to Jesus. (Luke 9:23, Galatians 2:20)
  5. Is growing in his or her heart and ability to share the Good News of Jesus with others. (Romans 1:16, Matthew 4:19)
  6. Is growing in faith as he or she prays. (Luke 11:1, Philippians 4:6-7)
  7. Seeks to obey Jesus in the routines of life. (Luke 6:46, John 14:21)
  8. Seeks to serve others through wise stewardship of his or her time, talents, or treasures. (Matthew 25:37-40, Acts 20:35)
  9. A disciple-maker seeks to reproduce this in others. (Matthew 28:18-20)

From Ways of the Alongsider by Bill Mowry

Bill has done a great job of illustrating the pathway of an alongsider. It starts with the relationship with God and people, then flows to discussion and discovery of appropriate scripture and across to Application, Accountability, and affirmation aiming at the bullseye.


Note to our international brothers & sisters:  Some of the resources below may only be available in English.

Testimonial & Training Videos

Training – Michael Delelu – Train Leaders and Couples Internationally

We want you to meet a spiritual leader from Ethiopia. Michael Delelu has been leading the Navigator ministry in Ethiopia for a number of years and also helps pastor a good size church in Addis Abba. He uses Coach the Bible to train leaders and couples. He loves to see the perspective of bringing people from infant to mature parents who can multiply. Listen to his story and how he trains.