About Us

Dennis Blevins

Dennis grew up in the south, learning from his parents about the truth of the Bible. At a young age, he trusted Christ and was helped to grow in his small church in Atlanta, Georgia.

After High School, he was accepted into Bible College in Chicago where he studied for a General Bible Degree

In 1968, he was inducted into the US Navy during the Viet Nam conflict. During this time in the Navy, Dennis was introduced to the Navigator Ministry and received great coaching and training in Disciple making. In his time alone with God he was given two promises from Luke 5 and 6. One was that “You will catch men.” And the other was “You will be trained” from Luke 6:40. His four years aboard ship was a great time to work out his convictions and training. God used this time to bring many men to Christ and see them mature in Christ.

After the Navy, he completed a Degree in Business Administration at Point Loma College in San Diego. After graduation, he joined the staff of the Navigators and began ministering on the Campus of San Diego State for six years and then moved to the University of Oregon for seven years.

In 1989, the Navigators formed a joint venture with Multnomah Bible College and began Mission Portland. During this time Dennis gained much experience in working with pastors and churches in prayer and disciple making.

From 1999 to 2004 he took on leadership roles at Greater Portland Bible church and assisted Lynn Kent, the Senior Pastor, as Executive Pastor.

Now Dennis coaches leaders and pastors across the country in over 40 states. He works with the Navigator Church Ministries, and helps pastor Anthem Church in Portland, Oregon. Navigator church ministries presently helps over 500 churches with developing an intentional disciple making culture in the church. Dennis’s experience in Coaching over 650 leaders and over 50 coaches led him to write the resource training book called “COACH THE BIBLE.” He developed over 9 topics of spiritual growth from Convictions to Emotional health. Each topic is connected to scriptures, stories and questions to generate discussion and learning in a one to one coaching situation. It will equip any individual with the power of the Word of God to help people make changes in their lives.

His wife of 43 years, Mary Jane, and Dennis live in Gladstone, Oregon. Their daughters Regina and Rebecca live in Portland and Andrea is serving in a ministry in Tennessee. They have a grand child now named Archer.

Christopher Moore

Christopher Moore was born and raised in Portland, OR.  Though voted most likely to pursue and acting career in New York or LA, Chris felt the call to serve in the United States Marine Corps during Desert Storm.  He has owned and operated several successful online companies over the last  twenty two years.  Chris brings to the table a wealth of experience in the IT and web design.  He’s the one behind the scenes that makes this site possible.

Chris was saved and baptized by water and the Holy Spirit in 2001.  He has an amazing heart to make disciples and see unity in the broader body of Christ.  Chris is a dedicated husband to his beautiful wife Kristie and a loving father to his three children, Jayden, Hanna and Megan.

Following the call of God on his life, Christopher is transitioning out of the corporate world to serve the Lord on an broader capacity as a Christian coach, mentor and disciple-maker.  One of his passions is to work with church leaders assisting them in creating a culture of disciple-making.  Chris is on Associate Staff with the Navigators and works with the Navigator Church Ministries and the Disciples for Life (D4L).  Chris is ALSO launching a new nonprofit ministry gear specifically at fulfilling the Great Commission, making disciples.  A Disciple Ministry focuses on 2 key areas; 1. Life on life disciple-making AND 2. Helping church leaders create a culture of disciple-making in the church.