Spiritual Grandparent

Stages Of Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual Grandparent – Make Disciples That Make Disciples

As a Spiritual Grandparent we suggest three areas of continued growth.

  1. Deepening your walk with God
  2. Become stronger as a disciple of Jesus
  3. Grow in your own heart transformation and help disciples in the same

Time of Reflection

Deepening your walk / intimacy with God.

E.1: I am comfortable being coached by the Holy Spirit. [Romans 8:14]
What has been your experience being led by the Holy Spirit?  What challenges have you faced in listening to the Holy Spirit?

E.2: I am able to get God’s perspective on life, politics, and the future. [Isaiah 46:10, Ephesians 1:10]
What are the most troubling, current life issues? How have you pursued God’s perspective on this?

E.3: I am able to See beyond worries. [Philippians 4:6-7]
What has been your experience dealing with worry, anxiety, and fear?  What helps you find peace?

E.4: I know how to deepen my contemplative time with God [Daniel 6:10, Exodus 20:8]
What are some examples of people who you admire spiritually?  What are their habits?  What are your present commitments for a deeper time with God?

E.5: I can spend solitude and silence with God [I Kings 19:11-13]
What has been your best experience in silence and solitude with the Lord?  What would be the benefit of having these times?

E.6: I know how to spend a day with the Lord. [Mark 1:35]
What has been your experience in spending a day or half of a day with the Lord?  How often would you like to do this?

E.7: I am familiar with an “hour of power”. [Matthew 26:40]
How much time do you devote daily to be with the Lord?  What can you do to increase that time?

E.8: I regularly experience the joy of journaling. [Revelation 1:1-3]
How often do you journal?  When you do, what do you write?

E.9: I know God and allow Him to transform me. [Philippians 3:10]
What is your concept of God? What are your expectations of Him?

E.10: I can coach the ways of the Holy Spirit. [I Corinthians 3:16]
How does the Holy Spirit work?  What experiences have you had with the Holy Spirit? How have you seen Him working in your life?

E.11: I am comfortable coaching “Beauty and Creation”. [Psalm 19]
How have you experienced the glory of God in creation? What element of beauty do you appreciate the most?

E.12: I know why I am here. [Jeremiah 29:11]
What is your life purpose?  How does God play a role in it?

Time of Reflection

Growing deeper as a disciple of Jesus

F.1: I know I am forgiven. [Psalms 103:8-13]
What are your challenges in believing God will forgive you? Describe the feeling you have when you are forgiven.

F.2: I see the path to maturity in scripture. [John 1:35-39, Matthew 4:19, John 15:5]
What is the importance of maturity?  What does maturity look like?

F.3: I know how to get more power in my life. [2 Timothy 1:7]
What is the source of power in your life?  How do you obtain more of it?

F.4: I am able to apply scripture to my life. [James 1:19-27]
How have you gained an understanding of the Bible?  What difficulties do you have applying Biblical principles?

F.5: I am able to constantly put Christ first in my life. [Colossians 1:10-20]
What is currently the first, most important driving force in your life?  How would your life change if Christ was first?

F.6: I am strong in the area of obedience to God’s word. [Matthew 5:1-11]
How have you struggled with obedience in the past?  How has that hindered you? What is the specific area you are struggling with obedience?

F.7: I know how to help someone grow spiritually. [Colossians 1:28-29]
What is your current vision for maturity?  Where do you see yourself in that vision?  What are the steps to get there?

F.8: I regularly practice claiming God’s promises. [2 Peter 1:3-5, 2 Corinthians 1:20]
What is your present understanding about the promises of God?  How have you experienced a promise of God?

F.9: I am able to find the will of God for my life. [Romans 12:1-2]
What has been your experience of understanding God’s plan for your life?  How do you know when you are doing the will of God?

F.10: I am able to experience God’s love, even when I mess up. [Luke 3:21-22]
What has been your experience towards God when you have disobeyed Him?  How do you respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit?

Videos (Bible Project)





Note to our international brothers & sisters:  Some of the resources below may only be available in English.

  1. Born to Reproduce (Print) – Dawson Trotman
  2. Born to Reproduce (Audio) – Dawson Trotman
  3. Abide in Christ – Andrew Murray
  4. The Practice of God’s Presence – Andrew Murray
  5. The Pursuit of God – A.W. Tozer
  6. The Knowledge of the Holy – A.W. Tozer
  7. The Lost Art of Disciple Making – LeRoy Eims

Testimonial & Training Videos

Training – Jeff Gunderman – Developing Spiritual Parents – Spiritual Grandparent

Pastor Jeff Gunderman has been pastoring in Berlin, Michigan for over 25 years. He has been using Coach the Bible to develop his leadership team toward becoming spiritual parents. Listen to his story of how this has happened.