Spiritual Child

Stages of Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual Child – Self-Focused

WHAT’S NEEDED? Learning how to:

  1.  Do the right thing (right & wrong)
  2.  Feed Yourself (nourishment)
  3.  Basic disciplines (foundations for growth)


The statements below come from the CONVICTIONS section of the Spiritual Assessment. Please evaluate the statements below and how they apply to your life on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being, “No, I am unfamiliar or do not agree with it” AND 5 being, “You are convinced or are walking it out”. If you do not score a 5 or are just curious, click the appropriate link below for a quick study and quiet time. ENJOY.

1. I understand how to build convictions in my life. [II Timothy 3:10-16]
What are some convictions in your life? How are convictions built or developed?

2. I know how to hate evil. [Proverbs 4:25-27]
How do you know when something is evil? What is your biggest struggle with evil?

3. I am convinced about the authority of the Bible. [2 Timothy 3:16)
What is authority? What makes the Bible authoritative?

4. I have growing experience in explaining the Trinity. [Ephesians 3:14-18]
What is the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? How do they work together?

5. I understand what it means to Lay down my life. [Romans 5:8]
What has been your experience in laying your life down for someone else? How costly was it?

6. I have embraced the Centrality of Christ. [Colossians 1:15-20]
Who or what guides the choices in your life? What does it mean to live for something greater than yourself?

7. I have a Life Purpose statement. [2 Timothy 3:10]
What are you here for? What is the biggest thing you would like to accomplish?

8. I have developed a -Life Plan. [Proverbs 16:9]
What do you feel about the statement, “Those that fail to plan, plan to fail”? What has been your experience in developing a life plan?

9. I know my part and God’s part in life planning. [Proverbs 16:9, Ephesians 5:15-16]
How has God helped you in planning your life? Where does your personal responsibility come in?

10. I understand how to have a Sabbath Rest. [Exodus 20:8-11, Matthew 11:28-30]
What is the greatest source of finding rest for your soul?  What is God’s plan to give you rest?

11. I can explain the major Doctrines in the Bible. [2 Timothy 3:16] [Core Doctrines / Teachings – Statement of Faith]
What makes knowing the doctrines of the Bible valuable in your everyday life? What is your scope of understanding the teachings of the Bible?

12. I am consistently putting Christ first in my life. (Gal 2:20)
What ways do you put Christ first in your life? What things get in the way?

13. I have disciplines to grasp the Word of God. [Hand Illustration] (Ps. 119:9-11)
How frequently do you read the Bible? What motivates you to know and understand the Word of God?

14. I have prayer disciplines and habits. (I Thessalonians 5:16-18)
What is the importance of prayer? In your experience, when is the best time to pray?

15. I have relationships in my church family. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
What is your biggest challenge to building relationships with others in your local Church? How have you overcome these challenges?

16. I am equipped to tell my story and share my faith. (Romans 1:16)
What was your spiritual upbringing? When did you choose to accept Christ, and why?

17. I am obeying the Word of God in my life. (James 1:22)
How do Scriptures impact your everyday life? What is your greatest challenge in obeying scripture?

If you scored a 5 on all 17, CONGRATULATIONS! Review the videos and resources below, then move to the next section SPIRITUAL YOUNG ADULT.







Note to our international brothers & sisters:  Some of the resources below may only be available in English.

VIDEO:  How to Read the Bible – Video Series by Bibleproject.com

TOOL:  The Word Hand – Understand the importance of The Word.

TOOL:  The Prayer Hand – Understand the types of prayer.

TOOL:  Bible Reading Plan – Provided by Bibleproject.com

TOOL:  Abide In Christ – Short Teaching by the Navigators (Excellent)

BOOK/COURSE:  The 2/7 Series – A Course in Personal Discipleship

COURSE/CLASS:  The Next Steps – A Training that provides structure to exploring God and who you are in Him.

BOOK:  Discipleship Essentials – A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ

BOOK:  Abide In Christ by Andrew Murray – Foundational book on abiding in the presence of God (Excellent)

BOOK:  10 Qualities That Move You From A Believer To A Disciple – Dennis Rouse – This is a great read or audiobook

Keep up the GREAT work.  If you have made it this far…move on to Spiritual Young Adult.

Testimonial & Training Videos

Training – Julie Pitsch – Growing in areas of Commitment & Conviction – Spiritual Child

Julie shares how she used the assessment with veteran small group leaders in their own progress of commitment and conviction. She demonstrates how to get to the worksheet, make application, and have accountability.