Spiritual Young Adult
Stages of Spiritual Maturity
Spiritual Young Adult – Kingdom Focused
A believer who now wants to make a contribution to the Kingdom of God. They believe Matthew 6:33: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto them.”
The Kingdom of God and its proclamation is of HIGH value in their life. To maintain this value will require deepening of their character. There are numerous character qualities that need to be identified and strengthened. A critical component to character building is having someone you trust to mirror your character strengths and weaknesses.
Go through this list below and identify the character qualities that are strong and those that need work. You can either do this with another person or allow the Holy Spirit to coach you in these disciplines.
The statements below come from the CHARACTER section of the Spiritual Assessment. Please evaluate the statements below and how they apply to your life on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being “No I am unfamiliar or do not agree with it” AND 5 being “You are convinced or are walking it out”. If you do not score a 5 or are just curious, click the appropriate link below for a quick study and quiet time. ENJOY!
1. I need and have a plan to grow stronger in character. [2 Peter 1:3-11]
What are your strengths? What plans do you have to improve?
2. I have learned the secret of contentment. [Philippians 4:11-13]
What does contentment look like to you? How do you find joy and peace?
3 I see the quality of excellence in my life. [1Thessalonians 3:11-13]
What ways do you want to excel in your life? How is that going?
4. I have seen God build honesty in my character. [Ephesians 4:25]
In your experience, what have been temptations towards dishonesty? How have you been able to overcome them?
5. I am strengthening my heart to greater love. [I John 4:7-11]
How are you exercising love in relationships with others? Where does heart transformation fit into loving well?
6. I display in my home and life the quality of patience. [James 5:7-11]
What are the biggest challenges to your patience? What steps can you take to grow in patience?
7. I am growing in humility as I rid myself of pride. [James 4:6-11]
How does pride show up most in your life? In your journey, what have you learned about humility?
8. I am learning to hate evil and pursue purity in my life. [Col 3:1-11, I Thes 4:1-8]
What is evil? How does being around evil make you feel?
9. I need to overcome my selfishness. [Romans 12:9-21]
How has selfishness impacted your life? What is your experience dealing with selfish people?
10. When I have trials, now I embrace them as good. [James 1:2-4]
What has been one of your biggest, recent trials? How were you able to see the “good” in it?
11. I do all I do with a wholehearted attitude. [Psalms 86:11, Luke 10:27,28]
What does it mean to do something with my whole heart? What does that look like?
12. I have the peace of God in the challenges of life. [Philippians 4-4-8]
How do you experience God in the midst of challenges? How do you incorporate prayer into those challenges? What is true peace? How do you get it?
If you scored a 5 on all 12, CONGRATULATIONS! Review the videos and resources below, then move on to the next section SPIRITUAL PARENT.
Coaching Model
R = Relationship with God and people
2D – Discovery and Discussion around the Bible
3A – Affirmation, Accountability, and Application
A DISCIPLE: (The Target)
- Loves God with ALL of his or her heart. (Matthew 22:37, Philippians 3:8)
- Loves other believers and contributes to the growth of others. (John 13:34-35, Hebrews 10:24-25)
- Is committed to living and loving the Scriptures. (John 8:31-32, 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
- Is learning to surrender his or her life to Jesus. (Luke 9:23, Galatians 2:20)
- Is growing in his or her heart and ability to share the Good News of Jesus with others. (Romans 1:16, Matthew 4:19)
- Is growing in faith as he or she prays. (Luke 11:1, Philippians 4:6-7)
- Seeks to obey Jesus in the routines of life. (Luke 6:46, John 14:21)
- Seeks to serve others through wise stewardship of his or her time, talents, or treasures. (Matthew 25:37-40, Acts 20:35)
- A disciple-maker seeks to reproduce this in others. (Matthew 28:18-20)
From Ways of the Alongsider by Bill Mowry
Bill has done a great job of illustrating the pathway of an alongsider. It starts with the relationship with God and people, then flows to discussion and discovery of appropriate scripture and across to Application, Accountability, and Affirmation aiming at the bullseye.
Note to our international brothers & sisters: Some of the resources below may only be available in English.
- Complete Workbook – Ways of the Alongsider
- Watch Videos – Ways of the Alongsider
- Born to Reproduce (Print) – Dawson Trotman
- Born to Reproduce (Audio) – Dawson Trotman
Ready to reproduce Christ in others? Take the next step to be a Spiritual Parent.
Testimonial & Training Videos
Training – Nate Pearl – Growing in areas of Character – Spiritual Young Adult
Nate demonstrates how he used the coachthebible.com stage “Spiritual Young Adult” to discern where those he was leading needed to grow in character. He tells a story about how to grow in contentment in a young leader’s life.
Ivan Olin is a businessman in Vancouver, Washington who has been growing in the Lord and serving at Crossroads Community Church. His passion for God and hiding the Word of God in his life has been awesome. Recently he discovered Coach the Bible and has been using it in mentoring and coaching young leaders in the Youth Ministry and Young adults. He has been invigorated to build disciples and disciple makers at his church through Holy Spirit using Coach the Bible in his confidence in training.
Training – Ivan Olin – Mentor & Coach Young Leaders – Spiritual Young Adult