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Assessment Benchmarks – Spiritual Infant

COMMITMENT– 1 Kings 8:61 “But your hearts must be fully committed to the Lord.”

NOTE: A the maximum score of this assessment is 70.

Understanding The Benchmarks For Your Spiritual Assessment

This score represents that you are moving forward in your beginning of commitments and taking the time to grow. This can be an exciting time of progress. Start with the first 5 commitments on the Infant Page and move toward getting strong in those. These are foundational commitments. As a spiritual infant, you will want to seek help from a more mature follower of Jesus. Contact us at Coach the Bible if you can’t find that kind of help from your local church or fellowship. Keep being diligent to get stronger in each area.

Remember that all relationships are a dimension of TIME and COMMITMENT. This score represents that you have been trying to make progress but it is an uphill climb. Don’t be discouraged. See this as a way to look at your current reality of commitment. It will take TIME to strengthen. Your diligence and hard work will pay off. Identify 5 areas that you want to take steps in. Review them one day at a time and decide on action steps. This will require that you give time to work on these.  Go to the Infant Stage and shore up areas that you did not score a 5. You may find the Navigators 2-7 series helpful in building a daily time with the Lord to get stronger. Again having someone who is stronger will be helpful at this time. At the right time move on to the Child Stage.

Remember that all relationships are a dimension of TIME and COMMITMENT. Your score shows that you have made commitments in many areas but some need to be strengthened. Take the next period of TIME (2 weeks or a month) to identify those areas on the Infant Stage and make a plan to review them one at a time and see the action step that is necessary and take that step. After a month take the assessment again and see the deepening level of commitment. It is helpful to share your plan with someone to keep you encouraged. When you have strengthened your score past 62 then move on to the Child Stage.

Remember that all relationships are a dimension of TIME and COMMITMENT. Your scores show a strong commitment to deepen your relationship with God. To continue to the Infant Stage, identify any weaker areas, and enjoy a quiet time in the Word, take action, and strengthen those commitments. We recommend you then move onto the CHILD Stage and begin to assess yourself there.

Please Contact Us for more personal help in your journey of growth.

If you scored below 34 then you are showing that you are beginning an exciting journey of growth. However, this may feel very new to you. We have found at this time of the journey you will need as many older followers of Jesus to walk with you. Get connected.

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