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Purpose of Coach the Bible Training

Coach the Bible to:

  • Fulfillment in Knowing Jesus resulting in fruitful Maturity experiencing Fullness in Christ and Unity of the Faith. (Eph 4:11-13)
  • Become Healthy Multiplying Disciple makers. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Leadership Coaching Model

R = Relationship with God and people

2D – Discovery and Discussion around the Bible

3A – Affirmation, Accountability, and Application

How to Get Coach Training

If this is what you want, then we would like to suggest several paths that you can travel to use this site to help you there.

  1. Go to our Coach Training page and discover the path of being coached and becoming a coach. Requirements for being a trained coach are laid out there. Sign up for our live, coach-led, online class offered twice a year.
  1. Work through the site from the Lost Section to the Spiritual Leader and discover, on your own, the riches we have in Christ.
  1. Call upon one of our trained coaches to help you and your church walk together on this journey. Contact Us

Training Manual Course Outline

To equip the follower of Jesus Christ as a disciple maker with the knowledge, skills, assessments, and practice to reproduce Christ in others from the LOST to the LEADERSHIP stages of their spiritual growth.

2 Timothy 3:17

“…so that the man or woman of God may be fully capable, equipped for every good work.”



  1. New Life in Christ. – Dead/Lost
  2. The Commitments are necessary for a foundation of Growth. – Infant
  3. To build critical Convictions of action essential to obeying God’s word. – Child
  4. To acquire the needed Character to sustain long-term fruitfulness and productivity. – Young Adult
  5. To grow in Competence in caring for spiritual infants to young adults. – Parent
  6. To have the vision, intentionality, and means to Reproduce spiritual maturity – Grandparent
  7. To strengthen the Leadership skills and vision to create environments of fulfillment, maturity, oneness, and ongoing disciple-making. – Leaders


    1. Based on the needs of the trainees and location, the training can be in person.
    2. The training can be delivered by Zoom. (10-20 weeks)
    3. There will be regular classes offered during the Fall and Winter semester
    4. The cost for the training is $149 per person
    5. The cost for the training manual is $49
    6. Individual or group coaching is also available at $250 per hour

Spiritual Assessment Instructions

Go through each of the statements below assess yourself on a scale of 1 to 5, and write the score on the space provided on the right.

  1. = No – I am unfamiliar with this concept or do not agree.
  2. = Learning – I am open to learning more in this area.
  3. = I Understand – I have knowledge but struggle with implementation.
  4. = Getting Stronger – I am actively working on this area in my life.
  5. = Convinced – I am consistently living this in my life.



The Online Assessment has been broken up into separate sections.  It can be found in each of the stages for Spiritual Infant, Spiritual Child, Spiritual Young Adult, and Spiritual Parent.

You may also go to our Assessments page and find them all there too.

On the above scale of 1-5 how would you answer the following questions?

1 = No   

2 = Learning   

3 = I Understand     

4 = Getting Stronger             

5 = Convinced

Section A – – INFANT STAGE

  1.              I am sure of my salvation. [I John 5:11,12,13]
  2.              I can trust God to answer my prayers. [John 16;24]
  3.              God will help me with temptations. [I Corinthians 10:13]
  4.              I know that I am forgiven [I John 1:9]
  5.              God will guide me in my life [Proverbs 3:5,6]
  6.              I committed to understanding the Bible. [John 16:13-II Timothy 3:16,17]
  7.              I have a reading and a daily devotional plan. [Revelation 1:3]
  8.              I am convinced that the Bible is true. [John 7:17]
  9.              The commitment Jesus is asking of me is clear. [Matthew 4:19]
  10.              I love to listen to God and respond. [Romans 8:16]
  11.              I committed to fellowship with other believers. [Hebrews 10:24]
  12.              I am committed to deepening my love for God. [Psalm 16:1-11]
  13.              I understand and can share the good news of Jesus. [Ephesians 2:1-10]
  14.              I have made my commitment to follow Jesus. [Luke 9:23; 10:27]


  1.              I understand how to build convictions in my life. [II Timothy 3:10-16]
  2.              I know how to hate evil [Proverbs 4:25-27]
  3.              I am convinced about the authority of the Bible [2 Timothy 3:16]
  4.              I have growing experience in explaining the Trinity [Ephesians 2:18]
  5.              I understand what it means to Lay down my life [Romans 5:8]
  6.              I have embraced the Centrality of Christ [Colossians 1:15-20]
  7.              I have a Life Purpose statement [2 Timothy 3:10]
  8.              I have developed a -Life Plan. [Proverbs 16:9]
  9.              I know my part and God’s part in life planning [Proverbs 16:9]
  10.              I understand how to have a Sabbath Rest [Exodus 20:8-11]
  11.              I can explain the major Doctrines in the Bible [2 Timothy 3:16]
  12.              I am consistently putting Christ first in my life. [Gal 2:20]
  13.              I am disciplined to grasp the Word of God (Hand) [Ps. 119:9,11]
  14.              I have prayer disciplines and habits. [I Thessalonians 5:16-18]
  15.              I have relationships in my church family. [Hebrews 10:24,25]
  16.              I am equipped to tell my story and share my faith. [Romans 1:16]
  17.              I am obeying the Word of God in my life. [James 1:22]                                            


  1.              I need and have a plan to grow stronger in character. [2 Peter 1:3-11]
  2.              I have learned the secret of contentment. [Philippians 4:11-13]
  3.              I see the quality of excellence in my life. [1Thessalonians 3:11-13]
  4.              I have seen God build honesty in my character. [Ephesians 4:25]
  5.              I am strengthening my heart to greater love. [I John 4:7-11]
  6.              I display in my home and life the quality of patience. [James 5:7-11]
  7.              I am growing in humility as I rid myself of pride. [James 4:6-11]
  8.              I am learning to hate evil and pursue purity in my life [Col 3:1-11, I Thes 4:1-8]
  9.              I am deepening my God-centered faith. [Hebrews 11:6, Colossians 3:1,2]      
  10.              When I have trials, now I embrace them as good. [James 1:2-4]
  11.              I do all I do with a wholehearted attitude [Psalms 86:11, Luke 10:27,28]
  12.              I have the peace of God in the challenges of life. [Philippians 4-4-8]


  1.              I am confident in Heart [Ps. 37:4] Vision [Prov. 29:18] and Knowhow in making disciples. [Matthew 9:36-38]
  2.              I am strong in Planning and Decision Making. [Proverbs 24:3,4]
  3.              Leadership and working with a Team is strong [Philippians 2:2]
  4.              I know how to have life-to-life relationships. [2 Timothy 3:10-16]
  5.              I love to parent and follow up with New Believers [I Thessalonians 1:1-5]
  6.              I love being with the lost and Spiritual Parenting [I Thessalonians 2:1-11]
  7.              I am convinced and practicing disciple making [Matthew 28:18-20]
  8.              I want to be a part of raising up a New Generation of Leaders [2 Timothy 2:2]
  9.              I love Shepherding people. [Matthew 9:35-39, I Peter 5:1-5]

Lost Stage – Coach Training Expectations

Mark each section with the following: “Completed” means you did the worksheet with questions. “Coached” means that you shared it with someone else, and “Coach” is the initials of your coach in observance of the completion of this step.

Complete the following message of the Bible worksheets & have them signed off

  1. __________Message of the Bible 1: “I understand the Human condition.”
  2. __________Message of the Bible 2: “How Jesus describes the Kingdom.”
  3. __________Message of the Bible 3:  “How the Bible describes sin. “
  4. __________Message of the Bible 4: “What does the ‘wages of sin’ mean?
  5. __________Message of the Bible 5 “How good deeds will affect my future.”
  6. __________Message of the Bible 6: “Jesus came to seek and save the lost. “
  7. __________Message of the Bible 7: “How God demonstrates his love for us.”
  8. __________Message of the Bible 8: “Who is Jesus?”
  9. __________Message of the Bible 9: “I am the way, the truth and the life.”
  10. __________Message of the Bible 10: “Jesus ‘Come and see ’invitation .”
  11. __________Message of the Bible 11: “What does repentance mean?”
  12. __________Message of the Bible 12: “What steps does it take to increase my faith?”
  13. __________Message of the Bible 13: “I understand what it means to follow Jesus.”
  14. __________Message of the Bible 14: “What it means to be born again. ”
  15. __________Message of the Bible 15: “I understand the final judgment.”

Complete all the videos by watching them & working through the discussion questions

  1. __________Watched and discussed the BibleProject video “ In the Beginning. “
  2. __________Watched and discussed the BibleProject video “The “Image of God. “
  3. __________Watched and discussed the BibleProject video “Tree of Life. “
  4. __________Watched and discussed the BibleProject video “Khata-sin. “
  5. __________Watched and discussed the BibleProject video “Atonement. “
  1. __________I have written and given my testimony from the training in 2-7 Book 2
  2. __________I plan to work through the book “Opening the Door.” (see link on CTB)
  3. __________I listened to the message by Dawson Trotman, “His testimony.”
  4. __________I watched the testimony of Allyn Donaugh from the lost section
  5. __________I have used the 15 messages of the Bible to teach young people the gospel

Infant Stage – Coach Training Expectations

Mark each section with the following: “Completed” means you did the worksheet with questions. “Coached” means that you shared it with someone else, and “Coach” is the initials of your coach in observance of the completion of this step.

Complete the following message of the Bible worksheets & have them signed off

  1. __________Infant  Session 1: “I am sure of my salvation.”
  2. __________Infant  Session 2: “I can trust God to answer my prayers.”
  3. __________Infant Session 3: “God can help me with temptations. “
  4. __________Infant Session 4: “I know that I am forgiven.”
  5. __________Infant Session 5: “God will guide me in my life.”
  6. __________Infant Session 6: “I am committed to understanding the Bible. “
  7. __________Infant Session 7: “I have a reading and daily devotional plan”
  8. __________Infant Session 8: “I am convinced the Bible is true .”
  9. __________Infant Session 9: “The commitment Jesus is asking is clear.”
  10. __________Infant Session 10: “I love to listen to God and respond.”
  11. __________Infant Session 11: “I am committed to fellowship with other believers.”
  12. __________Infant Session 12: “I am deepening my love for God. “
  13. __________Infant Session 13: “I understand and share the good news of Jesus. “
  14. __________Infant Session 14: “I have made my commitment to follow Jesus. “

Complete all the videos by watching them & working through the discussion questions

  1. __________I watched the “Father’s Love Letter” video and discussed it.
  2. __________I watched the BibleProject video “Image of God” and discussed it.
  3. __________I watched the BibleProject video “What is the Bible” and discussed it.
  4. __________I watched the BibleProject video “Understanding God and discussed it.
  5. __________I watched the BibleProject video “Story of the Bible” and discussed it.
  6. __________I watched the BibleProject video “Messiah” and discussed it.
  1. __________I can explain the Three things an infant needs to grow.
  2. __________I looked at each resource and saw how “2-7” Book 1 supports this stage.

Child Stage – Coach Training Expectations

Mark each section with the following: “Completed” means you did the worksheet with questions. “Coached” means that you shared it with someone else, and “Coach” is the initials of your coach in observance of the completion of this step.

Complete the following message of the Bible worksheets & have them signed off

  1. __________Conviction 1: “I understand how to build convictions.”
  2.  __________Conviction 2: “I know how to hate evil.”
  3. __________Conviction 3:  “I am convinced about the authority of the Bible. “
  4. __________Conviction 4: “I have growing experience in explaining the trinity.”
  5. __________Conviction 5: “I understand what it means to lay down my life.”
  6. __________Conviction 6: “I have embraced the centrality of Christ. “
  7. __________Conviction 7: “I have a life purpose statement.”
  8. __________Conviction 8: “I have developed a life plan.”
  9. __________Conviction 9:  “I know my part and God’s part in Life Planning.”
  10. __________Conviction 10: “I understand how to have a sabbath rest .”
  11. __________Conviction 11: “I can explain the major doctrines of the Bible.”
  12. __________Conviction 12: “I am consistently putting Christ first in my life.”
  13. __________Conviction 13: “I have discipline to grasp the Word of God.”
  14. __________Conviction 14: “I have prayer disciplines and habits. ”
  15. __________Conviction 15: “I have deepening relationships in my church family.”
  16. __________Conviction 16: “I am equipped to tell my story and share my faith.”
  17. __________Conviction 17: “I am obeying the Word of God in my life.”

Complete all the videos by watching them & working through the discussion questions

  1. __________I watched and discussed the BibleProject video “ Old Testament. “
  2. __________I watched and discussed the BibleProject video “New Testament. “
  3. __________I watched and discussed the BibleProject video “Gospel of the Kingdom
  4. __________I watched and discussed the BibleProject video “The Covenants. “
  5. __________I watched and discussed the BibleProject video “Atonement. “
  6. __________I watched and discussed the BibleProject video “The Kingdom Gospel.
  7. __________I watched and discussed the BibleProject video “The “Image of God. “
  8. __________I watched and discussed the BibleProject video “Restoration. “
  9. __________I watched and discussed and practiced the video “The “Bridge. “
  1. __________I completed the Online Assessment and sent it to my coach.
  2. __________I have looked at the resources on the Word Hand
  3. __________I have looked at the resources on the Prayer Hand
  4. __________I have looked at the resources on the Next Steps

Young Adult Stage – Coach Training Expectations

Mark each section with the following: “Completed” means you did the worksheet with questions. “Coached” means that you shared it with someone else, and “Coach” is the initials of your coach in observance of the completion of this step.

Complete the following message of the Bible worksheets & have them signed off

  1. __________Character Session 1: “I have a plan to grow stronger in character.”
  2. __________Character Session 2: “I have learned the secret or contentment.”
  3. __________Character Session 3: “I see the quality of excellence in my life. “
  4. __________Character Session 4: “I have seen God build honesty in my life.”
  5. __________Character Session 5: “I am strengthening my heart to greater love.”
  6. __________Character Session 6: “I display patience in my home and life. “
  7. __________Character Session 7: “I am growing in humility….”
  8. __________Character Session 8: “I am learning to hate evil and pursue purity.”
  9. __________Character Session 9: “I need to overcome my selfishness.”
  10. __________Character Session 10: “When I have trials, I embrace them as good.”
  11. __________Character Session 11: “I do all I do with a wholehearted attitude.”
  12. __________Character Session 12: “I have the peace of God in life’s challenges. “

Complete all the videos by watching them & working through the discussion questions

  1. __________I watched the BibleProject video on Character and discussed the study.
  2. __________I watched the BibleProject video on Holiness and discussed the study.
  1. __________I can explain the Triangle Drawing & the Picture of a disciple.
  2. __________I plan to work through the Workbook “The Ways of an Alongsider.”
  3. __________I listened to the message by Dawson Trotman, “Born to Reproduce.”
  4. __________I completed the Online Assessment and sent it to my coach.
  5. __________I have a copy of the 2-7 book three or equivalent and know how to use it.
  6. __________(Optional) I watched the testimonies from this section.

Parent Stage – Coach Training Expectations

Mark each section with the following: “Completed” means you did the worksheet with questions. “Coached” means that you shared it with someone else, and “Coach” is the initials of your coach in observance of the completion of this step.

Complete the following message of the Bible worksheets & have them signed off

  1. __________Competence 1: “I am confident in Heart, Vision, and Know How.”
  2. __________Competence 2: “I am strong in planning and decision-making.”
  3. __________Competence 3:  “Teamwork and leadership is strong. “
  4. __________Competence 4: “I know how to have life-to-life relationships.”
  5. __________Competence 5: “I love to follow up and parent new believers.”
  6. __________Competence 6: “I love being with the lost and spiritual parenting. “
  7. __________Competence 7: “I am practicing disciple-making.”
  8. __________Competence 8: “I envision myself being a part of spiritual generations.”
  9. __________Competence 9:  “I love shepherding people.”

Complete all the videos by watching them & working through the discussion questions

  1. __________I watched and discussed the BibleProject video “ 1st Thessalonians. “
  2. __________I watched and discussed the BibleProject video “2nd Thessalonians. “
  1. __________I will look at the book “DISCIPLES ARE MADE NOT BORN.”
  2. __________I have gone to the Book and Course section and seen 2-7 and Next Steps
  3. __________I have looked at the book resources (i.e., Abide in Christ & 10 Qualities
  4. __________I completed the Online Assessment and sent it to my coach.
  5. __________I watched the testimony from Julie Pitch in this section.

Grandparent Stage – Coach Training Expectations

Mark each section with the following: “Completed” means you did the worksheet with questions. “Coached” means that you shared it with someone else, and “Coach” is the initials of your coach in observance of the completion of this step.

Complete the following message of the Bible worksheets & have them signed off

  1. __________Disciple-making 1: “I enjoy coaching by the Holy Spirit.”
  2. __________Disciple-making 2: “God’s perspective on life, politics, and the future.
  3. __________Disciple-making 3:  “I can see beyond worries. “
  4. __________Disciple-making 4:  “I want to deepen my contemplative time with God.
  5. __________Disciple-making 5: “I spend silence and solitude with God.”
  6. __________Disciple-making 6: “I know how to spend a day alone with God. “
  7. __________Disciple-making 7: “I know how to have an hour of power.”
  8. __________Disciple-making 8: “I experience the joy of journaling.”
  9. __________Disciple-making 9:  “I am in the process of God transforming me.”
  10. __________Disciple-making 10: “I can coach the ways of the Holy Spirit .”
  11. __________Disciple-making 11: “I can coach the Beauty and Creation.”
  12. __________Disciple-making 12: “I know why I am here on this earth.”
  13. __________Disciple-making 13: “(F1)I know I am forgiven.”
  14. __________Disciple-making 14: “(F2)I see the path of maturity in Scripture. ”
  15. __________Disciple-making 15: “(F3)I know how to get more power in my life.”
  16. __________Disciple-making 16: “(F4)I am able to apply Scripture to my life.”
  17. __________Disciple-making 17: “(F5)I constantly put Christ first in my life.”
  18. __________Disciple-making 18: “(F6)I am getting strong in the area of obedience.”
  19. __________Disciple-making 19: “(F7) “I know how to help someone grow spiritually.
  20. __________Disciple-making 20: “(F8)” I know how to claim God’s promise.”
  21. __________Disciple-making 21: (F8)” I know how to find the will of God.”
  22. __________Disciple Making 22: (F9) “I am able to experience God’s love when I fail.

Complete all the videos by watching them & working through the discussion questions

  1. __________Watched and discussed the BibleProject video “1st Timothy“
  2. __________Watched and discussed the BibleProject video “2nd Timothy“
  3. __________Watched and discussed the BibleProject video “Titus
  1. __________I will look at the book “DISCIPLES ARE MADE NOT BORN.”
  2. __________I have gone to the Book and Course section and seen 2-7 and Next Steps
  3. __________I have looked at the book resources (i.e., Abide in Christ & 10 Qualities
  4. __________I completed the Online Assessment and sent it to my coach.
  5. __________I watched the testimony from Julie Pitch in this section.

Spiritual Leaders – Coach Training Expectations

Mark each section with the following: “Completed” means you did the worksheet with questions. “Coached” means that you shared it with someone else, and “Coach” is the initials of your coach in observance of the completion of this step.

Complete the following message of the Bible worksheets & have them signed off

  1. __________Spiritual Leader 1: “How do I go about building spiritual parenting.”
  2. __________Spiritual Leader 2: “I have vision, intentionality, and means.”
  3. __________Spiritual Leader 3: “I have my calling, who I am sent to, and vehicle. “
  4. __________Spiritual Leader 4: “I know where I am going as a leader.”
  5. __________Spiritual Leader 5: “I have confidence and power as a leader.”
  6. __________Spiritual Leader 6: “I know how to build love into the team I lead. “
  7. __________Spiritual Leader 7: “I have the resources I need to lead.”
  8. __________Spiritual Leader 8: “I am an effective communicator.”
  9. __________Spiritual Leader 9: “Leadership and working with a team is strong.”
  10. __________Spiritual Leader 10: “I know how to solve problems as a team.”
  11. __________Spiritual Leader 11: “I know how to lead with powerful questions.”
  12. __________Spiritual Leader 12: “I am comfortable in building relationships. “
  13. __________Spiritual Leader 13: “I know how formal coaching improves leadership.”

Complete all recommended leadership and disciple-making resources

  1. __________I have linked to the Ways of Alongsider free resource
  2. __________I can teach the Alongsider Model in the Spiritual Leader section
  3. __________I can teach how to develop a picture or model of a disciple
  4. __________I have studied through all 10 chapters of The Ways of an Alongsider
  5. __________I have watched the BibleProject video “I Timothy” and studied the book to  draw out principles of Biblical Leadership

Emotional Maturity – Coach Training Expectations

Mark each section with the following: “Completed” means you did the worksheet with questions. “Coached” means that you shared it with someone else, and “Coach” is the initials of your coach in observance of the completion of this step.

Complete the following message of the Bible worksheets & have them signed off

  1. __________Emotional Maturity 1: “I feel alone.”
  2. __________Emotional Maturity 2: “I am fearful about the future.”
  3. __________Emotional Maturity 3: “I feel so insecure. “
  4. __________Emotional Maturity 4: “I don’t feel very significant.”
  5. __________Emotional Maturity 5: “How do I grow in emotional maturity?”
  6. __________Emotional Maturity 6: “What are the levels of emotional maturity? “
  7. __________Emotional Maturity 7: “Understanding the Iceberg and Deep Issues.”
  8. __________Emotional Maturity 8: “Dealing with Anger.”
  9. __________Emotional Maturity 9: “Anxiety, worry and depression.”
  10. __________Emotional Maturity 10: “Dealing with Guilt and Shame.”
  11. __________Emotional Maturity 11: “I want more joy in my life.”
  12. __________Emotional Maturity 12: “I am fearful about politics and government. “
  13. __________Emotional Maturity 13: “I fear my work will not turn out as I desire.”

Complete all recommended Emotional Maturity resources

  1. __________I have linked to the Spirituality and Mental Health
  2. __________I have visited the Life Model Works Website
  3. __________I have visited the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Website

Check Your Completion









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When you have completed all the sections, a total of 100%, you may move to your GRADUATION!


You have diligently completed the required training of Coach the Bible. We have confidence that you have the COMMITMENTS, CONVICTIONS, CHARACTER, and COMPETENCE  as a mature disciple of Jesus.  As evidence of your commitment to excellence and faithfulness to complete the course, you now have EXPERIENCE to help the Church fulfill the Great Commission…creating disciples of Jesus Christ.

We would like to personally reward you with a certificate similar to the one on the following page.

Please email to [email protected] your completed and signed tracking expectation pages along with your contact information we will gladly send a certificate to you. We will need the following:

Name: (as you would like it to appear on the certificate)
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Physical Address:
Your Coach’s Name:

Also share with us some of your hopes and dreams how you will use this resource in your disciple-making and your fulfillment of Ephesians 4:13.

“…until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.”

If there are ways we can improve the training experience, please let us know.